My Creations, Places I like

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Beginning Of The End: Part I

       So my Senior year of Calvin Coolidge aka college was winding down and my roommates and I were trying to use up everything we had left in the kitchen. One late night I wanted to use up the last of the powered Gatorade mix (that my roommate Joe "borrowed from the high school he worked at...well interned really. I seriously doubt they even knew he was there. The few cups we had left were under a large pile of dishes so I had to improvise. I look around and voila, a tupperware container...hey a kids gotta improvise. In the wise words of John Belushi in Animal House: "We can do whatever we want, we're college students!"

One of the lifesavers I found in our cabinets was pancake mix YES! Needless to say I had a lot of banana pancakes those last few days.

One thing I love to do with pancakes, which freaks some people out (I don't understand how) is to slather on peanut butter and jelly. It honestly is one of the most divine things you can have for breakfast.

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